Let’s Get Clear On What Your
Money Can Do For You

Financial Planning & Wealth Management for DIY Investors & Business Owners

Nikki Dunn, CFP ®

Over a decade of experience in the financial markets, and author of the book “Do THIS With Your Money”

Welcome to the NEW standard of trust in financial advice…

  • I DON’T earn commissions. I am a fee-only advisor.
  • I DON’T require you to pay me a percentage of your assets.
  • I work WITH your higher risk appetite instead of shaming it.
  • I have a fiduciary duty to have your BEST interest as the top priority.

“Feeling unsure if you’re managing your money the right way?”
…. “I can help you achieve the clarity and confidence you deserve that every dollar is being put to work”

Who I Work With

  • DIY Traders & Investors
  • I’m here to help you get a second look at your strategy so you don’t end up spinning your wheels or making expensive mistakes.

  • Business Owners
  • Business owners have unique planning needs, especially when it comes to tax planning, insurance planning, managing business cycles, protecting your assets, and planning for an exit or retirement!

  • Corporate Professionals
  • Navigating stock-based compensation demands specialized knowledge to dodge costly errors and capitalize on investment opportunities.

    Let me guide you in managing your equity effectively!

Let’s Work Together…

Let’s Optimize Your Investment Strategy With a Personalized Investment Portfolio Review